PySS3 Package

Main module

This is the main module containing the implementation of the SS3 classifier.

(Please, visit for more info)

exception pyss3.EmptyModelError(msg='')

Bases: Exception

Exception to be thrown when the model is empty.

exception pyss3.InvalidCategoryError(msg='')

Bases: Exception

Exception to be thrown when a category is not valid.

class pyss3.SS3(s=None, l=None, p=None, a=None, name='', cv_m='norm_gv_xai', sn_m='xai')

Bases: object

The SS3 classifier class.

The SS3 classifier was originally defined in Section 3 of (preprint avialable here:

  • s (float) – the “smoothness”(sigma) hyperparameter value
  • l (float) – the “significance”(lambda) hyperparameter value
  • p (float) – the “sanction”(rho) hyperparameter value
  • a (float) – the alpha hyperparameter value (i.e. all terms with a confidence value (cv) less than alpha will be ignored during classification)
  • name (str) – the model’s name (to save and load the model from disk)
  • cv_m (str) – method used to compute the confidence value (cv) of each term (word or n-grams), options are: “norm_gv_xai”, “norm_gv” and “gv” (default: “norm_gv_xai”)
  • sn_m (str) – method used to compute the sanction (sn) function, options are: “vanilla” and “xai” (default: “xai”)
classify(doc, prep=True, sort=True, json=False)

Classify a given document.

  • doc (str) – the content of the document
  • prep (bool) – enables input preprocessing (default: True)
  • sort (bool) – sort the classification result (from best to worst)
  • json (bool) – return a debugging version of the result in JSON format.

the document confidence vector if sort is False. If sort is True, a list of pairs (category index, confidence value) ordered by confidence value.

Return type:


classify_label(doc, def_cat='most-probable', labels=True, prep=True)

Classify a given document returning the category label.

  • doc (str) – the content of the document
  • def_cat (str) – default category to be assigned when SS3 is not able to classify a document. Options are “most-probable”, “unknown” or a given category name. (default: “most-probable”)
  • labels (bool) – whether to return the category label or just the category index (default: True)
  • prep (bool) – enables input preprocessing (default: True)

the category label or the category index.

Return type:

str or int



classify_multilabel(doc, def_cat='most-probable', labels=True, prep=True)

Classify a given document returning multiple category labels.

This method could be used to perform multi-label classification. Internally, it uses k-mean clustering on the confidence vector to select the proper group of labels.

  • doc (str) – the content of the document
  • def_cat (str) – default category to be assigned when SS3 is not able to classify a document. Options are “most-probable”, “unknown” or a given category name. (default: “most-probable”)
  • labels (bool) – whether to return the category labels or just the category indexes (default: True)
  • prep (bool) – enables input preprocessing (default: True)

the list of category labels (or indexes).

Return type:

list (of str or int)



cv(ngram, cat)

Return the “confidence value” of a given word n-gram for the given category.

This value is obtained applying a final transformation on the global value of the given word n-gram using the gv function [*].

These transformation are given when creating a new SS3 instance (see the SS3 class constructor’s cv_m argument for more information).

[*] the gv function is defined in Section 3.2.2 of the original paper:

Example >>>“chicken”, “food”) >>>“roast chicken”, “food”) >>>“chicken”, “sports”)

  • ngram (str) – the word or word n-gram
  • cat (str) – the category label

the confidence value

Return type:




extract_insight(doc, cat='auto', level='word', window_size=3, min_cv=0.01, sort=True)

Get the list of text blocks involved in the classification decision.

Given a document, return the pieces of text that were involved in the classification decision, along with the confidence values associated with them. If a category is given, perform the process as if the given category were the one assigned by the classifier.

  • doc (str) – the content of the document
  • cat (str) – the category in relation to which text blocks are obtained. If not present, it will automatically use the category assigned by SS3 after classification. Options are ‘auto’ or a given category name. (default: ‘auto’)
  • level (str) – the level at which text blocks are going to be extracted. Options are ‘word’, ‘sentence’ or ‘paragraph’. (default: ‘word’)
  • window_size (int) – the number of words, before and after each identified word, to be also included along with the identified word. For instance, window_size=0 means return only individual words, window_size=1 means also include the word that was before and the one that was after them. If multiple selected words are close enough for their word windows to be overlapping, then those word windows will be merged into a longer and single one. This argument is ignored when level is not equal to ‘word’. (default: 3)
  • min_cv (float) – the minimum confidence value each text block must have to be included in the output. (default 0.01)
  • sort (bool) – whether to return the text blocks ordered by their confidence value or not. If sort=False then blocks will be returned following the order they had in the input document. (default: True)

a list of pairs (text, confidence value) containing the text (blocks) involved, and to what degree (*), in the classification decision. (*) given by the confidence value

Return type:



InvalidCategoryError, ValueError

fit(x_train, y_train, n_grams=1, prep=True, leave_pbar=True)

Train the model given a list of documents and category labels.

  • x_train (list (of str)) – the list of documents
  • y_train (list (of str)) – the list of document labels
  • n_grams (int) – indicates the maximum n-grams to be learned (e.g. a value of 1 means only 1-grams (words), 2 means 1-grams and 2-grams, 3, 1-grams, 2-grams and 3-grams, and so on.
  • prep (bool) – enables input preprocessing (default: True)
  • leave_pbar (bool) – controls whether to leave the progress bar or remove it after finishing.

Get the alpha hyperparameter value.

Returns:the hyperparameter value
Return type:float

Get the alpha hyperparameter value.

Returns:the hyperparameter value
Return type:float

Get the list of category names.

Returns:the list of category names
Return type:list (of str)

Given its name, return the category index.

Parameters:name (str) – The category name
Returns:the category index (or IDX_UNKNOWN_CATEGORY if the category doesn’t exist).
Return type:int

Given its index, return the category name.

Parameters:index (int) – The category index
Returns:the category name (or STR_UNKNOWN_CATEGORY if the category doesn’t exist).
Return type:str

Get hyperparameter values.

Returns:a tuple with hyperparameters current values (s, l, p, a)
Return type:tuple

Get the “significance” (lambda) hyperparameter value.

Returns:the hyperparameter value
Return type:float

Get the name of the most probable category.

Returns:the name of the most probable category
Return type:str

Return the model’s name.

Returns:the model’s name.
Return type:str
get_next_words(sent, cat, n=None)

Given a sentence, return the list of n (possible) following words.

  • sent (str) – a sentence (e.g. “an artificial”)
  • cat (str) – the category name
  • n (int) – the maximum number of possible answers

a list of tuples (word, frequency, probability)

Return type:

list (of tuple)




Get the “sanction” (rho) hyperparameter value.

Returns:the hyperparameter value
Return type:float

Get the “smoothness” (sigma) hyperparameter value.

Returns:the hyperparameter value
Return type:float

Get the “sanction” (rho) hyperparameter value.

Returns:the hyperparameter value
Return type:float

Get the “significance” (lambda) hyperparameter value.

Returns:the hyperparameter value
Return type:float

Get the “smoothness” (sigma) hyperparameter value.

Returns:the hyperparameter value
Return type:float

Get the list of (recognized) stopwords.

Parameters:sg_threshold (float) – significance (sg) value used as a threshold to consider words as stopwords (i.e. words with sg < sg_threshold for all categories will be considered as “stopwords”)
Returns:a list of stopwords
Return type:list (of str)

Given the index, return the word.

Parameters:index (int) – the word index
Returns:the word (or STR_UNKNOWN_WORD if the word doesn’t exist).
Return type:int
Return type:str

Given a word, return its index.

Parameters:name (str) – a word
Returns:the word index (or IDX_UNKNOWN_WORD if the word doesn’t exist).
Return type:int
gv(ngram, cat)

Return the “global value” of a given word n-gram for the given category.

(gv function is defined in Section 3.2.2 of the original paper:

Example >>> clf.gv(“chicken”, “food”) >>> clf.gv(“roast chicken”, “food”) >>> clf.gv(“chicken”, “sports”)

  • ngram (str) – the word or word n-gram
  • cat (str) – the category label

the global value

Return type:




learn(doc, cat, n_grams=1, prep=True, update=True)

Learn a new document for a given category.

  • doc (str) – the content of the document
  • cat (str) – the category name
  • n_grams (int) – indicates the maximum n-grams to be learned (e.g. a value of 1 means only 1-grams (words), 2 means 1-grams and 2-grams, 3, 1-grams, 2-grams and 3-grams, and so on.
  • prep (bool) – enables input preprocessing (default: True)
  • update (bool) – enables model auto-update after learning (default: True)

Load model from disk.

if a path is not present, the default will be used (“./”), However, if a path is given, it will not only used to load the model but also will overwrite the default path calling the SS3’s set_model_path(path) method (see set_model_path method documentation for more detail).

Parameters:path (str) – the path to load the model from
lv(ngram, cat)

Return the “local value” of a given word n-gram for the given category.

(lv function is defined in Section 3.2.2 of the original paper:

Example >>>“chicken”, “food”) >>>“roast chicken”, “food”) >>>“chicken”, “sports”)

  • ngram (str) – the word or word n-gram
  • cat (str) – the category label

the local value

Return type:





Plot the category’s global and local value distribution.

Parameters:cat (str) – the category name
predict(x_test, def_cat='most-probable', labels=True, multilabel=False, prep=True, leave_pbar=True)

Classify a list of documents.

  • x_test (list (of str)) – the list of documents to be classified
  • def_cat (str) – default category to be assigned when SS3 is not able to classify a document. Options are “most-probable”, “unknown” or a given category name.
  • labels (bool) – whether to return the list of category names or just category indexes
  • multilabel (bool) – whether to perform multi-label classification or not. if enabled, for each document returns a list of labels instead of a single label (str).
  • prep (bool) – enables input preprocessing (default: True)
  • leave_pbar (bool) – controls whether to leave the progress bar or remove it after finishing.

if labels is True, the list of category names, otherwise, the list of category indexes.

Return type:

list (of int or str)


EmptyModelError, InvalidCategoryError

predict_proba(x_test, prep=True, leave_pbar=True)

Classify a list of documents returning a list of confidence vectors.

  • x_test (list (of str)) – the list of documents to be classified
  • prep (bool) – enables input preprocessing (default: True)
  • leave_pbar (bool) – controls whether to leave the progress bar after finishing or remove it.

the list of confidence vectors

Return type:

list (of list of float)




Print information about learned categories.


Print information about hyperparameters.


Print information regarding the model.


Print debugging information about a given n-gram.

Namely, print the n-gram frequency (fr), local value (lv), global value (gv), confidence value (cv), sanction (sn) weight, significance (sg) weight.

Parameters:ngram (str) – the n-gram (e.g. “machine”, “machine learning”, etc.)
save_cat_vocab(cat, path='./', n_grams=-1)

Save category vocabulary to disk.

  • cat (str) – the category name
  • path (str) – the path in which to store the vocabulary
  • n_grams (int) – indicates the n-grams to be stored (e.g. only 1-grams, 2-grams, 3-grams, etc.). Default -1 stores all learned n-grams (1-grams, 2-grams, 3-grams, etc.)



Save the model to disk.

if a path is not present, the default will be used (“./”), However, if a path is given, it will not only used to save the model but also will overwrite the default path calling the SS3’s set_model_path(path) method (see set_model_path method documentation for more detail).

Parameters:path (str) – the path to save the model to
save_vocab(path='./', n_grams=-1)

Save learned vocabularies to disk.

  • path (str) – the path in which to store the vocabularies
  • n_grams (int) – indicates the n-grams to be stored (e.g. only 1-grams, 2-grams, 3-grams, etc.). Default -1 stores all learned n-grams (1-grams, 2-grams, 3-grams, etc.)

Set the alpha hyperparameter value.

All terms with a confidence value (cv) less than alpha will be ignored during classification.

Parameters:value (float) – the hyperparameter value

Set the alpha hyperparameter value.

All terms with a confidence value (cv) less than alpha will be ignored during classification.

Parameters:value (float) – the hyperparameter value
set_block_delimiters(parag=None, sent=None, word=None)

Overwrite the default delimiters used to split input documents into blocks.

delimiters are any regular expression from simple ones (e.g. " ") to more complex ones (e.g. r"[^\s\w\d]"). Note: remember that there are certain reserved characters for regular expression,

for example, the dot (.), in which case use the backslash to indicate you’re referring the character itself and not its interpretation (e.g. \.)


>>> ss3.set_block_delimiters(word="\s")
>>> ss3.set_block_delimiters(word="\s", parag="\n\n")
>>> ss3.set_block_delimiters(parag="\n---\n")
>>> ss3.set_block_delimiters(sent="\.")
>>> ss3.set_block_delimiters(word="\|")
>>> ss3.set_block_delimiters(word=" ")
  • parag (str) – the paragraph new delimiter
  • sent (str) – the sentence new delimiter
  • word (str) – the word new delimiter

Set the delimiter used to split documents into paragraphs.

Remember that there are certain reserved characters for regular expression, for example, the dot (.), in which case use the backslash to indicate you’re referring the character itself and not its interpretation (e.g. \.)

Parameters:regex (str) – the regular expression of the new delimiter

Set the delimiter used to split documents into sentences.

Remember that there are certain reserved characters for regular expression, for example, the dot (.), in which case use the backslash to indicate you’re referring the character itself and not its interpretation (e.g. \.)

Parameters:regex (str) – the regular expression of the new delimiter

Set the delimiter used to split documents into words.

Remember that there are certain reserved characters for regular expression, for example, the dot (.), in which case use the backslash to indicate you’re referring the character itself and not its interpretation (e.g. \.)

Parameters:regex (str) – the regular expression of the new delimiter
set_hyperparameters(s=None, l=None, p=None, a=None)

Set hyperparameter values.

  • s (float) – the “smoothness” (sigma) hyperparameter
  • l (float) – the “significance” (lambda) hyperparameter
  • p (float) – the “sanction” (rho) hyperparameter
  • a (float) – the alpha hyperparameter (i.e. all terms with a confidence value (cv) less than alpha will be ignored during classification)

Set the “significance” (lambda) hyperparameter value.

Parameters:value (float) – the hyperparameter value

Overwrite the default path from which the model will be loaded (or saved to).

Note: be aware that the PySS3 Command Line tool looks for a local folder called ss3_models to load models. Therefore, the ss3_models folder will be always automatically append to the given path (e.g. if path="my/path/", it will be converted into my/path/ss3_models).

Parameters:path (str) – the path

Set the “sanction” (rho) hyperparameter value.

Parameters:value (float) – the hyperparameter value

Set the “smoothness” (sigma) hyperparameter value.

Parameters:value (float) – the hyperparameter value

Set the “sanction” (rho) hyperparameter value.

Parameters:value (float) – the hyperparameter value

Set the “significance” (lambda) hyperparameter value.

Parameters:value (float) – the hyperparameter value

Set the “smoothness” (sigma) hyperparameter value.

Parameters:value (float) – the hyperparameter value
sg(ngram, cat)

Return the “significance factor” of a given word n-gram for the given category.

(sg function is defined in Section 3.2.2 of the original paper:

Example >>>“chicken”, “food”) >>>“roast chicken”, “food”) >>>“chicken”, “sports”)

  • ngram (str) – the word or word n-gram
  • cat (str) – the category label

the significance factor

Return type:




sn(ngram, cat)

Return the “sanction factor” of a given word n-gram for the given category.

(sn function is defined in Section 3.2.2 of the original paper:

Example >>>“chicken”, “food”) >>>“roast chicken”, “food”) >>>“chicken”, “sports”)

  • ngram (str) – the word or word n-gram
  • cat (str) – the category label

the sanction factor

Return type:





Summary operator for n-gram confidence vectors.

By default it returns the addition of all confidence vectors. However, in case you want to use a custom summary operator, this function must be replaced as shown in the following example:

>>> def my_summary_op(cvs):
>>>     return cvs[0]
>>> ...
>>> clf = SS3()
>>> ...
>>> clf.summary_op_ngrams = my_summary_op

Note that any function receiving a list of vectors and returning a single vector could be used. In the above example the summary operator is replaced by the user-defined my_summary_op which ignores all confidence vectors returning only the confidence vector of the first n-gram (which besides being an illustrative example, makes no real sense).

Parameters:cvs (list (of list of float)) – a list n-grams confidence vectors
Returns:a sentence confidence vector
Return type:list (of float)

Summary operator for paragraph confidence vectors.

By default it returns the addition of all confidence vectors. However, in case you want to use a custom summary operator, this function must be replaced as shown in the following example:

>>> def dummy_summary_op(cvs):
>>>     return cvs[0]
>>> ...
>>> clf = SS3()
>>> ...
>>> clf.summary_op_paragraphs = dummy_summary_op

Note that any function receiving a list of vectors and returning a single vector could be used. In the above example the summary operator is replaced by the user-defined dummy_summary_op which ignores all confidence vectors returning only the confidence vector of the first paragraph (which besides being an illustrative example, makes no real sense).

Parameters:cvs (list (of list of float)) – a list paragraph confidence vectors
Returns:the document confidence vector
Return type:list (of float)

Summary operator for sentence confidence vectors.

By default it returns the addition of all confidence vectors. However, in case you want to use a custom summary operator, this function must be replaced as shown in the following example:

>>> def dummy_summary_op(cvs):
>>>     return cvs[0]
>>> ...
>>> clf = SS3()
>>> ...
>>> clf.summary_op_sentences = dummy_summary_op

Note that any function receiving a list of vectors and returning a single vector could be used. In the above example the summary operator is replaced by the user-defined dummy_summary_op which ignores all confidence vectors returning only the confidence vector of the first sentence (which besides being an illustrative example, makes no real sense).

Parameters:cvs (list (of list of float)) – a list sentence confidence vectors
Returns:a paragraph confidence vector
Return type:list (of float)

Update model values (cv, gv, lv, etc.).

Parameters:force (bool) – force update (even if hyperparameters haven’t changed)

Cast the given dictionary (numerical) keys to int.


Use k-means to tell where to split the ``SS3.classify’‘’s output.

Given a SS3.classify’s output (res), tell where to partition it into 2 clusters so that one of the cluster holds the category labels that the classifier should output when performing multi-label classification. To achieve this, implement k-means (i.e. 2-means) clustering over the category confidence values in res.

Parameters:res (list (of sorted pairs (category, confidence value))) – the classification output of SS3.classify
Returns:a positive integer indicating where to split res
Return type:int
pyss3.mad(values, n)

Median absolute deviation mean.

pyss3.re_split_keep(regex, string)

Force the inclusion of unmatched items by re.split.

This allows keeping the original content after splitting the input document for later use (e.g. for using it from the Live Test)


Set the verbosity level.

  • 0 (quiet): do not output any message (only error messages)
  • 1 (normal): default behavior, display only warning messages and progress bars
  • 2 (verbose): display also the informative non-essential messages

The following built-in constants can also be used to refer to these 3 values: VERBOSITY.QUIET, VERBOSITY.NORMAL, and VERBOSITY.VERBOSE, respectively.

For example, if you want PySS3 to hide everything, even progress bars, you could simply do:

>>> import pyss3
>>> pyss3.set_verbosity(0)
>>> # here's the rest of your code :D

or, equivalently:

>>> import pyss3
>>> from pyss3 import VERBOSITY
>>> pyss3.set_verbosity(VERBOSITY.QUIET)
>>> # here's the rest of your code :D
Parameters:level (int) – the verbosity level
pyss3.sigmoid(v, l)

A sigmoid function.

pyss3.vdiv(v0, v1)

Vectorial version of division.

pyss3.vmax(v0, v1)

Vectorial version of max.

pyss3.vsum(v0, v1)

Vectorial version of sum.


pyss3.server module

SS3 classification server with visual explanations for live tests.

(Please, visit for more info)


alias of pyss3.server.Server

class pyss3.server.Server

Bases: object

SS3’s Live Test HTTP server class.

static get_port()

Return the server port.

Returns:the server port
Return type:int
run(x_test=None, y_test=None, port=0, browser=True, quiet=True)

Wait for classification requests and serve them.

  • clf (pyss3.SS3) – the SS3 model to be attached to this server.
  • x_test (list (of str)) – the list of documents to classify and visualize
  • y_label (list (of str)) – the list of category labels
  • port (int) – the port to listen on (default: random free port)
  • browser (bool) – if True, it automatically opens up the live test on your browser
  • quiet (bool) – if True, use quiet mode. Otherwise use verbose mode (default: False)
static serve(clf=None, x_test=None, y_test=None, port=0, browser=True, quiet=True)

Wait for classification requests and serve them.

  • clf (pyss3.SS3) – the SS3 model to be attached to this server.
  • x_test (list (of str)) – the list of documents to classify and visualize
  • y_label (list (of str)) – the list of category labels
  • port (int) – the port to listen on (default: random free port)
  • browser (bool) – if True, it automatically opens up the live test on your browser
  • quiet (bool) – if True, use quiet mode. Otherwise use verbose mode (default: False)
static set_model(clf)

Attach a given SS3 model to this server.

Parameters:clf (pyss3.SS3) – an SS3 model
static set_testset(x_test, y_test)
Assign the test set to visualize.
  • x_test (list (of str)) – the list of documents to classify and visualize
  • y_label (list (of str)) – the list of category labels
static set_testset_from_files(test_path, folder_label=True)

Load the test set files to visualize from test_path.

  • test_path (str) – the test set path
  • folder_label (bool) – if True, read category labels from folders, otherwise, read category labels from file names. (default: True)

True if category documents were found, False otherwise

Return type:


static start_listening(port=0)

Start listening on a port and return its number.

(If a port number is not given, it uses a random free port).

Parameters:port (int) – the port to listen on

Given a file extension, return the content type.


Given a HTTP request, return the body.


Given a HTTP request, return the Content-Length value.


Given a HTTP request, return the resource path.


The main function to be called when called from the command-line.


Very simple function to parse and sanitize the given path.

pyss3.cmd_line module

This module lets you interact with your SS3 models through a Command Line.

(Please, visit for more info)

exception pyss3.cmd_line.ArgsParseError

Bases: Exception

Exception thrown when an error occur parsing commands arguments.

exception pyss3.cmd_line.GetTestDataError

Bases: Exception

Exception thrown when an error occur while retrieving the test data.

class pyss3.cmd_line.SS3Prompt(completekey='tab', stdin=None, stdout=None)

Bases: cmd.Cmd

Prompt main class.


Parse classify arguments.


Parse evaluations arguments.

Parse grid_search arguments.


Parse k_fold arguments.


Parse learn arguments.


Parse live_test arguments.


Parse save arguments.


Parse set arguments.


Parse test arguments.


Parse train arguments.

complete_evaluations(text, line, begidx, endidx)

Complete arguments for ‘grid_search’ command.

complete_get(text, line, begidx, endidx)

Complete arguments for ‘set’ command.

Complete arguments for ‘grid_search’ command.

complete_info(text, line, begidx, endidx)

Complete arguments for ‘info’ command.

complete_k_fold(text, line, begidx, endidx)

Complete arguments for ‘grid_search’ command.

complete_ld(text, line, begidx, endidx)

Complete arguments for ‘load’ command.

complete_learn(text, line, begidx, endidx)

Complete arguments for ‘learn’ command.

complete_live_test(text, line, begidx, endidx)

Complete arguments for ‘test’ command.

complete_load(text, line, begidx, endidx)

Complete arguments for ‘load’ command.

complete_plot(text, line, begidx, endidx)

Complete arguments for ‘plot’ command.

complete_save(text, line, begidx, endidx)

Complete arguments for ‘save’ command.

complete_set(text, line, begidx, endidx)

Complete arguments for ‘set’ command.

complete_sv(text, line, begidx, endidx)

Complete arguments for ‘save’ command.

complete_test(text, line, begidx, endidx)

Complete arguments for ‘test’ command.

complete_train(text, line, begidx, endidx)

Complete arguments for ‘train’ command.


Default error message.


Quit the program.


Classify a document.

classify [DOCUMENT_PATH]
optional arguments:
DOCUMENT_PATH the path to the document file

Create a copy of the current model with a given name.

required arguments:
NEW_MODEL_NAME the new model’s name

Show debugging information about a given n-gram.

Namely, print the n-gram frequency (fr), local value (lv), global value (gv), confidence value (cv), sanction (sn) weight and significance (sg) weight.

debug_term N_GRAM
required arguments:
N_GRAM the n-gram (word, bigram, trigram, etc.) to debug
debug_term the debug_term potato debug_term “machine learning” debug_term “self driving car”

Perform different actions linked to evaluations results.

evaluations OPTION [PATH] [METHOD] [DEF_CAT] [P VAL [P VAL …]
required arguments:
OPTION indicates the action to perform
values: {info,plot,save,remove} (default: info)
info - show information about evaluations (including
best values).
plot - show an interactive 3-D plot with evaluation
results in the web browser (it also save it to disk).

save - save the interactive 3-D plot to disk. remove - delete evaluations results from history

optional arguments:

PATH the dataset path used in the evaluate of interest

METHOD the method that was used in the evaluate of interest
values: {test,K-fold} where K is an integer > 1
DEF_CAT default category used in the evaluate of interest
values: {most-probable,unknown} or a category label
P VAL the hyperparameter value (only for option “remove”)
P values: {s,l,p,a} VAL values: float
  • show information about all evaluations:

    evaluations info

  • show information about evaluations in path “a/dataset/path”:

    evaluations info a/dataset/path

  • information about 3-fold evaluations in path “a/dataset/path”:

    evaluations info a/dataset/path 3-fold

  • information about test evaluations in path “a/dataset/path”:

    evaluations info a/dataset/path test

  • plot evaluations:

    evaluations plot

  • save evaluations:

    evaluations save

  • remove all evaluation result(s) in path “a/dataset/path”:

    evaluations remove a/dataset/path

  • remove 4-fold evaluation result(s) in path “a/dataset/path” with l = 1.1 and s = .45:

    evaluations remove a/dataset/path 4-fold l 1.1 s .45


Quit the program.


Get a given hyperparameter value.

required arguments:
PARAM the hyperparameter name
values: {s,l,p,a}
get s get l get p get a

Given a dataset, perform a grid search using the given hyperparameters values.

grid_search PATH [LABEL] [DEF_CAT] [METHOD] P EXP [P EXP …] [no-cache]
required arguments:

PATH the dataset path P EXP a list of values for a given hyperparameter.


P is a hyperparameter name. values: {s,l,p,a} EXP is a python expression returning a float or

a list of floats. Note: if this expression contains whitespaces, use quotations marks (e.g. “[0.5, 1.5]”)
s [.3,.4,.5] s “[.3, .4, .5]” (Note the whitespaces and the “”) p r(.2,.8,6) (i.e. 6 points between .2 to .8)
optional arguments:
LABEL where to read category labels from.
values:{file,folder} (default: folder)
DEF_CAT default category to be assigned when the model is not
able to actually classify a document. values: {most-probable,unknown} or a category label (default: most-probable)
METHOD the method to be used

values: {test, K-fold} (default: test) where:

K-fold indicates the number of folds to be used.
K is an integer > 1 (e.g 4-fold, 10-fold, etc.)

no-cache if present, disable the cache and recompute all the values

grid_search a/testset/path s r(.2,.8,6) l r(.1,2,6) -p r(.5,2,6) a [0,.01] grid_search a/dataset/path 4-fold -s [.2,.3,.4,.5] -l [.5,1,1.5] -p r(.5,2,6)

Show useful information.

required arguments:
OPTION indicates what information to show
values: {all, parameters, categories, evaluations}
(default: all)
info info evaluations

Perform a stratified k-fold validation using the given dataset set.

k_fold PATH [LABEL] [DEF_CAT] [N-grams] [N-fold] [P VAL …] [no-cache]
required arguments:
PATHthe dataset path
optional arguments:
LABEL where to read category labels from.
values:{file,folder} (default: folder)
DEF_CAT default category to be assigned when the model is not
able to actually classify a document. values: {most-probable,unknown} or a category label (default: most-probable)
N-grams indicates the maximum n-grams to be learned (e.g. a
value of “1-grams” means only words will be learned; “2-grams” only 1-grams and 2-grams; “3-grams”, only 1-grams, 2-grams and 3-grams; and so on). value: {N-grams} with N integer > 0 (default: 1-grams)
K-fold indicates the number of folds to be used.
value: {K-fold} with K integer > 1 (default: 4-fold)
P VAL sets a hyperparameter value (e.g. s 0.45)
P values: {s,l,p,a} VAL values: float

no-cache if present, disable the cache and recompute values

k_fold a/dataset/path 10-fold k_fold a/dataset/path 4-fold -s .45 -l 1.1 -p 1

Learn a new document.

learn CAT [N-grams] [DOCUMENT_PATH]
required arguments:
CAT the category label
optional arguments:
N-grams indicates the maximum n-grams to be learned (e.g. a
value of “1-grams” means only words will be learned; “2-grams” only 1-grams and 2-grams; “3-grams”, only 1-grams, 2-grams and 3-grams; and so on). value: {N-grams} with N integer > 0 (default: 1-grams)

DOCUMENT_PATH the path to the document file


Print the license.


Interactively and graphically test the model.

live_test [TEST_PATH [LABEL]] [verbose]
optional arguments:

TEST_PATH the test set path

LABEL where to read category labels from.
values: {file,folder} (default: folder)

verbose if present, run in verbose mode

live_test live_test a/testset/path live_test a/testset/path verbose

Load a local model (given its name).

required arguments:
MODEL_NAME the model’s name

Create a new empty SS3 model with a given name.

required arguments:
MODEL_NAME the model’s name

Show up to 3 possible words to follow after the given sentence.

next_word SENT
required arguments:
SENT a sentence
next_word “the self driving” next_word “a machine learning”

Plot word value distribution curve or the evaluation results.

required arguments:
OPTION indicates what to plot

evaluations; distribution CAT;

CAT the category label
plot distribution a_category plot evaluations

Rename the current model with a given name.

required arguments:
NEW_MODEL_NAME the model’s new name

Save to disk the model, learned vocabulary, evaluations results, etc.

required arguments:
OPTION indicates what to save to disk

model; (default) evaluations; vocabulary [CAT]; stopwords [SG_THRESHOLD];


CAT the category label

SG_THRESHOLD significance (sg) value used as a
threshold to consider words as stopwords (i.e. words with sg < sg_threshold for all categories will be considered as “stopwords”) (default: .01)
save save model save vocabulary save vocabulary a_category save stopwords save stopwords .1

Set a given hyperparameter value.

set P VAL [P VAL …]
required arguments:
P VAL sets a hyperparameter value
examples: s .45; s .5; P values: {s,l,p,a} VAL values: float
set s .5 set l 0.5 set p 2 set s .5 l 0.5 p 2

Test the model using the given test set.

test TEST_PATH [LABEL] [DEF_CAT] [P VAL …] [no-cache]
required arguments:
TEST_PATH the test set path
optional arguments:
LABEL where to read category labels from.
values:{file,folder} (default: folder)
DEF_CAT default category to be assigned when the model is not
able to actually classify a document. values: {most-probable,unknown} or a category label (default: most-probable)
P VAL sets a hyperparameter value
examples: s .45; s .5; P values: {s,l,p,a} VAL values: float

no-cache if present, disable the cache and recompute values

test a/testset/path test a/testset/path -s .45 -l 1.1 -p 1 test a/testset/path unknown -s .45 -l 1.1 -p 1 no-cache

Train the model using a training set and then save it.

train TRAIN_PATH [LABEL] [N-gram]
required arguments:
TRAIN_PATH the training set path
optional arguments:
LABEL where to read category labels from.
values:{file,folder} (default: folder)
N-grams indicates the maximum n-grams to be learned (e.g. a
value of “1-grams” means only words will be learned; “2-grams” only 1-grams and 2-grams; “3-grams”, only 1-grams, 2-grams and 3-grams; and so on). value: {N-grams} with N integer > 0 (default: 1-grams)
train a/training/set/path 3-grams

Update model values (cv, gv, lv, etc.).


Hook method executed just before the command.


Hook method executed once when cmdloop() is called.

pyss3.cmd_line.delete_results(data_path, method, def_cat, hparams, only_count=False)

Remove evaluations from history.

pyss3.cmd_line.delete_results_slpa(rh_metric, hparams, only_count=False, best=True)

Remove evaluations from history given hyperparameters s, l, p, a.

pyss3.cmd_line.evaluations_info(data_path=None, method=None)

Print evaluations best values.

pyss3.cmd_line.evaluations_remove(data_path, method, def_cat, hparams)

Evaluation remove command handler.


Given a list of evaluations values, return the best one.

pyss3.cmd_line.get_results_history(path, method, def_cat)

Given a path, a method and a default category return results history.

pyss3.cmd_line.get_test_data_cache(path, def_cat, method, s, l, p, a)

Return test results from cache.

Perform a grid search using values from ss, ll, pp, aa.

pyss3.cmd_line.grid_search_loop(data_path, x_test, y_test, categories, def_cat, k_fold, i_fold, ss, ll, pp, aa, cache=True, leave_pbar=True)

Grid search main loop.

pyss3.cmd_line.intersect(l0, l1)

Given two lists return the intersection.

pyss3.cmd_line.is_in_cache(path, method, def_cat, s, l, p, a)

Return whether this evaluation is already computed.


Convert a given dictionary to a RecursiveDefaultDict.


Convert the k number to a proper method string.

pyss3.cmd_line.k_fold_classification_report(data_path, method, def_cat, s, l, p, a)

Create the classification report for k-fold validations.

pyss3.cmd_line.k_fold_validation(data_path, folder_label, def_cat, n_grams, k_fold, s, l, p, a, cache=True)

Perform a stratified k-fold cross validation using the given data.

pyss3.cmd_line.load_data(data_path, folder_label, def_cat=None, return_cat_index=True, cmd_name='test')

Load documents from disk, return the x_data, y_data and categories.


Load results history (evaluations) from disk.


Main function.


Convert a file path relative to this module path.

pyss3.cmd_line.parse_hparams_args(op_args, defaults=True)

Parse hyperparameters arguments list.

pyss3.cmd_line.plot_confusion_matrices(cms, classes, info='', max_colums=3)

Show and plot the confusion matrices.

pyss3.cmd_line.re_in(regex, l)

Given a list of strings, return the first match in the list.


A @decorator.


A @decorator.

pyss3.cmd_line.results(y_true, y_pred, categories, def_cat, cache=True, method='test', data_path='', folder=False, plots=True, k_fold=1, i_fold=0)

Compute evaluation results and save them to disk.


Round the number v (used to keep the results history file small).


Save results history (evaluations) to disk (interactive html file).

pyss3.cmd_line.save_results(rh, categories, accuracy, report, conf_matrix, k_fold, i_fold, s, l, p, a)

Save evaluation results to disk.


Save results history (evaluations) to disk.


Parse and split arguments.

pyss3.cmd_line.subtract(l0, l1)

Subtract list l1 from l0.

pyss3.cmd_line.test(test_path, folder_label, def_cat, s, l, p, a, cache)

Test the model with a given test set.

pyss3.cmd_line.train(x_train, y_train, n_grams, train_path='', folder_label=None, save=True, leave_pbar=True)

Train a new model with the given training set.

pyss3.util module

This is a helper module with utility classes and functions.

class pyss3.util.Dataset

Bases: object

A helper class with methods to read/write datasets.

static load_from_files(data_path, folder_label=True, as_single_doc=False)

Load category documents from disk.

  • data_path (str) – the training or the test set path
  • folder_label (bool) – if True, read category labels from folders, otherwise, read category labels from file names. (default: True)
  • as_single_doc – read the documents as a single (and big) document (default: False)

the (x_train, y_train) or the (x_test, y_test) pairs.

Return type:


class pyss3.util.Preproc

Bases: object

A helper class with methods to preprocess input documents.

static clean_and_ready(text, dots=True, normalize=True, min_len=1)

Clean and prepare the text.

class pyss3.util.Print

Bases: object

Helper class to handle print functionalities.

static error(msg, raises=None, offset=0, decorator=True)

Print an error.

  • msg (str) – the message to show
  • raises (Exception) – the exception to be raised after showing the message
  • offset (int) – shift the message to the right (offset characters)
  • decorator (bool) – if True, use error message decoretor
static info(msg, newln=True, offset=0, decorator=True, force_show=False)

Print an info message.

  • msg (str) – the message to show
  • newln (bool) – use new line after the message (default: True)
  • offset (int) – shift the message to the right (offset characters)
  • decorator (bool) – if True, use info message decoretor
  • force_show (bool) – if True, show message even when not in verbose mode
static is_quiet()

Check if the current verbosity level is quiet.

static is_verbose()

Check if the current verbosity level is verbose.

static set_decorator_error(start, end=None)

Set error messages decorator.

  • start (str) – messages preffix
  • end (str) – messages suffix
static set_decorator_info(start, end=None)

Set info messages decorator.

  • start (str) – messages preffix
  • end (str) – messages suffix
static set_decorator_warn(start, end=None)

Set warning messages decorator.

  • start (str) – messages preffix
  • end (str) – messages suffix
static set_verbosity(level)

Set the verbosity level.

  • 0 (quiet): do not output any message (only error messages)
  • 1 (normal): default behavior, display only warning messages and progress bars
  • 2 (verbose): display also the informative non-essential messages

The following built-in constants can also be used to refer to these 3 values: VERBOSITY.QUIET, VERBOSITY.NORMAL, and VERBOSITY.VERBOSE, respectively.

For example, if you want PySS3 to hide everything, even progress bars, you could do:

>>> from pyss3.util import Print, VERBOSITY
>>> Print.set_verbosity(VERBOSITY.QUIET)  # or, equivalently, Print.set_verbosity(0)
>>> # here's the rest of your code :D
Parameters:level (int) – the verbosity level
static show(msg='', newln=True, offset=0)

Print a message.

  • msg (str) – the message to show
  • newln (bool) – use new line after the message (default: True)
  • offset (int) – shift the message to the right (offset characters)

alias of Style

static verbosity_region_begin(level)

Indicate that a region with different verbosity begins.

When the region ends by calling verbosity_region_end, the previous verbosity will be restored.


>>> from pyss3.util import Print,VERBOSITY
>>> Print.verbosity_region_begin(VERBOSITY.QUIET)
>>> # inside this region (from now on), verbosity will be 'quiet'
>>> Print.verbosity_region_end()
>>> # the verbosity level is restored to what it was before entering the region
Parameters:level (int) – the verbosity level for this region (see set_verbosity documentation for valid values)
static verbosity_region_end()

Indicate that a region with different verbosity ends.

The verbosity will be restored to the value it had before beginning this region with verbosity_region_begin.


>>> from pyss3.util import Print,VERBOSITY
>>> Print.verbosity_region_begin(VERBOSITY.VERBOSE)
>>> # inside this region (from now on), verbosity will be 'verbose'
>>> Print.verbosity_region_end()
>>> # the verbosity level is restored to what it was before entering the region
static warn(msg, newln=True, raises=None, offset=0, decorator=True)

Print a warning message.

  • msg (str) – the message to show
  • newln (bool) – use new line after the message (default: True)
  • raises (Exception) – the exception to be raised after showing the message
  • offset (int) – shift the message to the right (offset characters)
  • decorator (bool) – if True, use warning message decoretor
class pyss3.util.RecursiveDefaultDict

Bases: dict

A dict whose default value is a dict.

class pyss3.util.Style

Bases: object

Helper class to handle print styles.

static blue(text)

Apply ‘blue’ style to text.

static bold(text)

Apply bold style to text.

static fail(text)

Apply the ‘fail’ style to text.

static green(text)

Apply ‘green’ style to text.

static header(text)

Apply ‘header’ style to text.

static ubold(text)

Apply underline and bold style to text.

static underline(text)

Underline text.

static warning(text)

Apply the ‘warning’ style to text.

class pyss3.util.VERBOSITY

Bases: object

verbosity “enum” constants.